APEC Engineer Kuznetsov

Name:Ivan N. Kuznetsov

Job designation: Chief of department for process complexes design

Organisation name: SME TEC Ltd.

Phone (Optional): 7 923 440 26 18

Email: kuznetsov.i.n.2007@gmail.com; kuznetsov@mail.npptec.ru

Summary of Experience:

Completed projects: Rail Wheels Final Inspection Line (FIL-1) ENTMK Sheet Dimensional Measurement Systems for OAO Vyksa Steel Works (Vyksa); Rail Wheels Final Inspection Line (FIL-2) ENTMK; Robotic Complex for Wheels and Tires Thermal Processing ENTMK; Rail Differential Heat Treatment by Means of Air According to TEC Technology, KARDEMIR Turkey; Railroad Inspection Line for High-Speed Trains for MAANSHAN IRON & STEEL COMPANY LIMITED China; Technical re-equipment of the "Rail and beam rolling mill" with the organization of the ball production site of EVRAZ NTMK; Gearboxes for REMTEK-02.

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov