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Accreditation Criteria

Accreditation Procedure Accreditation Criteria Accreditation Center Accreditation Board Apply for Accreditation

AEER accreditation criteria and procedure have been developed with regard to the world’s best practices on engineering education quality assessment and in compliance with the requirements set for the quality higher engineering education by accreditation systems of member countries of Washington Accord, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education founded within the EUR-ACE project.

Current criteria has been approved by the Accreditation Board and affirmed by the AEER Administrative Board. AEER accreditation criteria correspond to the Bologna Declaration and draw distinction between programs of first and second cycles. The first cycle (A) refers to the Bachelor Degree programs, whereas the second cycle (B) concerns the Master and Specialist Degree programs.

The criteria are set for learning outcomes evaluation. Learning outcomes represent a complex of competences, knowledge, skills, abilities, methodological culture acquired by students upon the completion of the educational program. They are developed in light of the requirements set for graduates by the professional community and correspond to the Dublin Descriptors, designed within the development of European Higher Education Area during the Bologna Process implementation.

Criteria for the current accreditation cycle:

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