Main / About Association / Charter / Liquidation and reorganization of the Association

Liquidation and reorganization of the Association

10.1. Reorganization of the Association (merger, separation, joining, division, transformation) and its liquidation is carried out in the order established by the Civil law.

10.2. Reorganization and liquidation of the Association is realized by decision of the General Assembly if taken by 2/3 majority of the present delegates of the General Assembly.

10.3. The Association may be liquidated by the court decision in case and order established by legislation.

10.4. In case of liquidation of the Association, by approval of the agency that registers public associations, a liquidation commission is appointed. From the moment of the appointment of the liquidation commission, it assumes all powers of administering the Association's affairs.

The liquidation commission publishes announcement in official press of the location of the Association of the impending liquidation of the Association.

In accordance with the established procedure, the liquidation commission evaluates the property of the Association, identifies its debtors and creditors and makes settlements with them, takes measures to pay the debts of the Association to the third parties, draws an interim liquidation and liquidation balance and submits it to approval of the General Assembly of the Association.

10.5. The property and funds remaining from the liquidation of the Association after settlements with creditors, is used for the goals specified by this Charter. Decision on the use of the remaining property is published by the liquidation commission in press.

10.6. The General Assembly decision on liquidation of the Association is sent to the agency that registers public associations to exclude it from the United State Register of Juridical Persons.

10.7. Liquidation of the Association is considered completed, and the Association as ceased its existence upon this entry in the United State Register of Juridical Persons.

10.8. The Association is considered as reorganized from the moment of state registration of the newly established organization.

10.9. The property of the Association after its reorganization is passed into ownership of the newly established juridical persons in the order established by the Civic Code of the Russian Federation.

10.10. The Association provides recording and safety of the documents of the staff, and in case of termination of activity of the Association timely transfers them to storage in the State Archive in the established order.

© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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