Main / Events / Expert Seminars, Trainings / Seminar-training. 19-21 December 2013, Rostov-on-Don

Seminar-training “Public and professional accreditation of educational programmes in engineering and technology. AEER Criteria and Procedures”

Dates: 19-21 December 2013

Venue: Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don

Participants: the seminar is held for heads and staff of quality departments of educational institutions as well as for all interested to acquire competence in the field of external audit in the sphere of education - potential candidates to AEER experts.

Training is a complex of workshops and seminars aimed at improving skills and preparation of experts in evaluation and quality assurance and accreditation of educational programmes in engineering and technology.

The seminar-training programme is aimed at formation of modern knowledge about models, procedures, criteria and trends in professional and public accreditation of higher education programmes. Participants of the event will receive new and interesting knowledge about the principles and criteria for independent education quality evaluation; acquire skills of assessment in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation, the Bologna process and the AEER criteria.

The seminar-training programme

On the seminar-training results the participants will receive a certificate of a standard form.

Organisation fee for the seminar participants - 4500 roubles. The price includes: a certificate of participation, handouts, coffee breaks. The registration fee does not include expenses for accommodation and transfer to the venue.

To participate in the seminar you need to send the application for participation before December 10, 2013. The application should contain: full name, position, academic title, academic degree, postal address and telephone.

The applications for participation in the seminar should be sent via e-mail or to the address: room 2-508a, 1, Gagarina square, 344000, Rostov-on-Don

Aleksandr Rybak
Olga Lukyanova
Tel/fax +7 863 2381-345,
Address: room 2-508a, buiding 2, DSTU, 1, Gagarina square, 344000, Rostov-on-Don

© Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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