
The examination for evaluation of transferable and professional competences of applicants seeking registration as an APEC Engineer, that are described in the APEC Engineer Standard, and evaluation of special competences necessary for carrying out individual practical engineering activity in various disciplines approved by the Russian Monitoring Committee of APEC Engineers is considered to be indispensable, important and final stage of evaluation procedure of applicants’ engineering practice indicators and their compliance with the APEC Engineer Standard.

The examination consists of two stages:

The first stage is the form of written examination. Written examination is held for evaluation of transferable and professional competences and their compliance with the requirements agreed upon with the requirements of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) stated in IEA Graduate Attributes and Professional Competences and approved by the Russian Monitoring Committee of APEC Engineers.

Applicants who have successfully passed the written examination in the first stage shall advance to take the oral examination in the second stage. Applicants who graduated from HEI and completed an engineering programme accredited by the AEER do not have to take the written examination.

The second stage is the form of oral examination aimed to evaluate special competences necessary for carrying out individual practical engineering activity in different fields. The examiner is guided by the memo for the oral examination for certification and registration of individuals in the Russian APEC Engineers Register and the International APEC Engineer Register.

Written examination

When evaluating transferable and professional competences of the applicants, their expertise, fundamental knowledge and its application in engineering practice are checked. The form of written examination is the same for all engineering disciplines which is approved by the Chief Executive of the APEC Engineer Certification Center. Written examination is held to evaluate applicants’ suitability for the APEC Engineer title and ability to solve complex problems that arise in the course of practical engineering activity taking into account a number of technical, economic, ecological and other requirements, standards, laws and the Code of APEC Engineer Professional Ethics.

Oral examination and interview

The Examination Commission is established to hold the oral examination. The Examination Commission consists of the chair, two members and leading experts in certain engineering discipline. The oral examination programme is developed by the Examination Commission and depends on the engineering discipline. The objective of the oral examination is to evaluate the level of applicants’ special competences in a certain engineering discipline. During the oral examination special competences are evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:

The chair of the Examination Commission explains the interview’s objective to the applicant. The applicant is offered to describe one or more engineering projects which he/she took part in. This task helps to define whether the applicant is ready for independent and accountable practical engineering activity in a certain discipline. The Examination Commission members ask the applicant various follow-up questions and offer a number of hypothetic situations. Finally, understanding of all the components of complex engineering activity is evaluated. After the interview, the chair and the Examination Commission members make thorough analysis and conclude whether the applicant has exhibited a deep knowledge and experience to be awarded the title of the APEC Engineer. The applicant will be notified of his/her oral examination results when the conclusion is drawn up by the Examination Commission.

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