Main / AEER Governing Bodies / Administrative Board / Meskhi Besarion Chokhoevich

Meskhi Besarion Chokhoevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Rector of Don State Technical University

He was born on August 10, 1959.

He graduated from Rostov-on-Don Institute of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering in 1985 with the degree Mechanical Engineer. He has been working in DGTU from the moment of graduation. He worked as a senior laboratory technician, an electronics engineer, a senior engineer, Vice-rector for administrative work and capital construction. Since 2002 he has been working as Head of Department of Life Safety and Environmental Protection.

From June 2007 he has been working as Rector of Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Don State Technical University"

Professor B.Ch. Meskhi is a well known scholar and expert in the field of technological and industrial safety; he heads the scientific school on theory and methods for comprehensive ensuring of the occupational safety of mechanical engineering production and process equipment in the process of its design, he prepared 8 Candidates of Sciences. Currently, he is a scientific supervisor of 6 postgraduate students and 2 doctoral students. He is an author of more than 150 scientific and educational works, including 16 monographs, 30 textbooks and 3 certificates of authorship.

He was awarded the Medal "For merits before the Country» of II degree, the Medal "For merits before the Country» of I degree, he is the winner of the RF Government Prize in Education (2009), the Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

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