AEER Accreditation Center announces a call for international professional and public accreditation of educational programmes in engineering and technology of first and second cycles (bachelor, specialist, master).
Professional accreditation is one of the main elements of quality assurance system of training of specialists in engineering and technology. The Association for Engineering Education of Russia conducts professional and public accreditation of engineering educational programmes since 2000 in accordance with international requirements. This fact is confirmed by AEER membership in the world's most authoritative alliances: Washington Accord, IPEA, ENAEE. This means that the procedures and criteria used by AEER for accreditation are recognised in the signatory countries of these agreements (and there are more than 25 of them) and, therefore, the accreditation of programmes is international one.
By March 29, 2018, AEER has accredited 517 educational programs of first and second cycles (including 435 EUR-ACE® Labelled Programs) provided by 76 leading universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Also, 5 secondary vocational education programs provided by Russian vocational training colleges have been accredited.
Professional and public accreditation of educational programmes provides a university with opportunities to:
- show loyalty to high quality standards of education;
- get an independent expert evaluation of educational programmes;
- get recommendations for the improvement of educational programmes;
- make a public announcement about reaching a high level of education quality;
- raise its competitive capacity on the Russian educational market;
- initiate the process of penetrating and developing the international education market;
- ensure and increase graduates’ employment.
The list of educational programmes accredited by AEER is published in Russian and foreign mass media, is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, the Federal Education and Science Supervision Service, and is spread among the signatories of the Washington Accord, members of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) and members of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI).
The first step of the AEER professional and public accreditation is to submit a preliminary application for accreditation indicating name and code of an educational programmes (OKCO). If the university is planning to accredit several programmes, indicate name and code for each programme.