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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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Of current importance

Vladimir Potanin Foundation published the ranking of universities for 2011/2012 academic year

Vladimir Potanin Foundation made its own ranking of leading Russian universities on the basis of the Federal Grant Programme and grant programmes for young teachers in 2011/2012 academic year.

The first place had Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, followed by St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University. Also the top five included Tomsk Polytechnic University and Samara State Aerospace University.

The ranking of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation involves 60 leading state universities of Russia. During the academic year, the Foundation held by a single method competitive selection of excellent students and promising young teachers in these universities.

The comprehensive ranking of universities of the Foundation was based on the following criteria:

  • the data of the students' test on intellect and erudition;
  • the data of the game round, revealing leadership and organizational skills of students;
  • the peer and student evaluation of young teachers participating in the grant competition;
  • the evaluation of business qualities of the grant holders on the basis of the business game with the participation of employers;
  • a bonus point was given to a university for implemented by the grant holders volunteer projects presented at the Winter or Summer Foundation Schools;
  • a bonus point was given to a university if its teachers won the new competition of individual grants “Teacher online”.

The Vladimir Potanin Foundation has been making this ranking annually from 2003/2004 academic year. It is necessary, first of all, for the rotation of universities participating in the Foundation educational programmes.

2011/2012 university ranking


Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov