Main / About Association / Charter / Sources of the Association property. Management of the property, business activity of the Association

Sources of the Association property. Management of the property, business activity of the Association

8.1. Funds and property of the Association are formed from:

  • entrance, membership, delegate fees;
  • voluntary contributions, grants, donations of juridical and natural persons (including foreign ones);
  • takings from events organized by the Association;
  • incomes from business and other legal activity of the Association;
  • assignments from profit of companionships and companies established by the Association;
  • annual contributions of regional departments of the Association in amount determined by the decision of the Administrative Board of the Association;
  • proceeds from civil legal transactions;
  • revenue from civil legal transactions carried out in accordance with current legislation and this Charter;
  • other receipts not prohibited by law.

8.2. The Association in accordance with current legislation may own land, buildings, housing facilities, equipment, inventory, property of educational and cultural purposes, financial assets, stocks and other securities, as well as other movable and immovable property necessary to ensure the activities specified by this present Charter. The Association may also own institutions, publishing houses, media, created and purchased with funds of the Association, in accordance with the objectives stated in the Charter.

8.3. The Association is the owner of its lawful property. No single member of the Association has right of ownership to any share of the Association's property.

8.4. The Association may enter any transactions concerning its property being in its ownership or other proprietary right that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

8.5. The right of the ownership over property getting by the Association or established and acquired with its own funds, on behalf of the Association is exercised by its permanent governing body - the Administrative Board of the Association.

8.6. Regional departments of the Association functioning on the basis of this Charter, branches and offices of the Association has the right of operative management of the property allocated to them by the owner - the Association.

Regional departments of the Association functioning on the basis of their own charters and constituting juridical persons, as well as public associations - members of the Association, own their lawful property.

8.7. The Association may engage in business activity only as far as this promotes achievement of the goals defined in the Charter for which it was created and appropriates for these goals. Business activity is carried out by the Association in accordance with the Civic Code of the Russian Federation and other laws f the Russian Federation.

8.8. The Association may establish economic partnerships and companies, as well as acquire property intended for business activity.

8.9. Specific types of activity listed by law may be exercised by the Association only on the basis of special permissions (licences).

8.10. The revenues received by the Association in the course of its business activity may not be re-distributed among the members of the Association and should be used only for achievement of the goals defined by the Charter.

The Association may spend its funds for charitable purposes.

8.11. The Association makes up balance, accounts, statistical and other reports in the established manner.

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov